Agile, Software Development

How Quanter speeds up software development in a electric company

Dec, 20, 2019 | Read < 1 min.

Case Study

Current situation

One of the three most important electric companies in Spain operates under a decentralized model of productivity control of software developments. This implies a lack of control over the general process and the lack of a global vision of the development efforts of the different suppliers that provide the service. In addition, there is no control over the quality of the software delivered.


The solution is the implementation of an Office of Estimates, Measurements and Productivity (OEMP) that centralizes the development process and downloads these tasks to those responsible for systems to make it more efficient. The use of Quanter allows suppliers to make estimates in a standardized way and under the same criteria, facilitating the OEMP to have control over these and the evolutions made by the different suppliers, providing a global vision to the company’s managers, through reports and indicators that connect cost efficiency and quality indicators.
The use of Quanter will speed up the process and give a greater visibility of efficiency and quality in software development at company’s management.

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