Software Development

How we added 9200 software projects in Quanter’s annual update

Oct, 08, 2024 | Read 2 min.

DB Article

As we do every year, we have updated and expanded Quanter’s database, adding 9,200 new projects, bringing the total to almost 100,000 projects.

These new projects cover key sectors where data analytics is critical, such as banking and insurance. They also include high profile sectors such as energy, airlines and telecommunications.

The importance of having a database

A database of software development projects is essential for benchmarking a company’s performance in the market, its suppliers or its software development teams, providing detailed insight and identifying opportunities for improvement.

By knowing their position in the market through a solid database, organisations can detect key areas for internal growth and development. In other words, it serves primarily as an ‘accelerator’ for decision making, helping to highlight areas for improvement; and, in addition, to prioritise and monetise the need that will generate the next steps.

The differential value of the Quanter database

Quanter is by far the world’s largest reference database for software development projects. The next largest database is that of ISBSG with some twelve thousand projects.

In addition to its size, Quanter stands out for the quality of its data, as the information is from real projects. In other words, it is real data from LedaMC clients, although in order to preserve their confidentiality, the information is completely anonymised and categorised according to variables such as technology (with more than 140), country, supplier (the most relevant in the market), sector and size.

This makes Quanter an essential tool, a leader in identifying market trends and detecting opportunities for expansion and critical improvement for our clients.

With almost one hundred thousand projects, Quanter leads the software development benchmarking market.

At Quanter, we care about providing the best data.

Quanter’s database is the largest in the world thanks to the fact that twenty years ago, LedaMC undertook this mission by collecting and anonymising data from our clients’ projects.

The data is collected according to a Benchmarking process developed by LedaMC and certified since 2021 with the IFPUG Application Development & Maintenance Benchmarking Certification, which gives even more value and reliability to Quanter’s database.

The data is classified according to the typology of the projects, with technologies, countries and/or suppliers being the most prominent, although there is a great diversity. This is a great advantage for companies, as they can benchmark themselves against the market and learn how others are performing in order to analyse their own performance.

The customisability of Quanter’s reports is another major differentiator. Companies can generate detailed analyses that are tailored to their specific needs, making the most of the information gathered.

This not only allows them to have a clear view of their competitive environment, but also to make more informed and strategic decisions based on accurate and customised data.

Quanter: the most comprehensive and customisable database for optimising software project performance

In conclusion, the expansion of Quanter’s database not only strengthens its position as the world’s most extensive software project database, but also brings unrivalled value to companies across all industries.

By providing quality, fully anonymised data, organisations can benchmark their performance, identify key trends and improve their performance in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

In this way, our database becomes an essential tool for those seeking opportunities for growth and efficiency in their software development projects.

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